Weather / Atmospheric Observation
The right aircraft to keep you one step ahead

Range, reliability and endurance
As weather events become increasingly dangerous to the population and disruptive to economies, it is more important than ever to be able to anticipate extreme weather. Airborne weather and atmospheric data gathering is key to accurate forecasting, and Bombardier has the right aircraft to get the job done. Bombardier jets have the range, reliability and endurance to fly difficult weather conditions, with the robustness and flexibility to incorporate the world’s most advanced weather radar systems, sensors and instrumentation.
A flight deck with vision
The advanced Bombardier Vision flight deck reduces pilot workload, with leading-edge technology that significantly improves situational awareness and operational capability. Bombardier aircraft cabins offer enough space for multiple sophisticated workstations and the smoothest ride in all types of weather, which helps minimize crew fatigue and extend the life of mission equipment. Bombardier aircraft can be trusted to help fulfill a growing demand for timely and accurate weather information.